
Obsessive-Compulsive Concerns

NeedIng To Know For Sure: A CBT-based Guide to Overcoming Compulsive Checking and Reassurance Seeking by Martin Seif & Sally Winston (2019)

Stuff That’s Loud: A Teen’s Guide to Unspiraling When OCD Gets Noisy by Ben Sedley & Lisa Coyne (2020)

The ACT Workbook for OCD: Mindfulness, Acceptance, and Exposure Skills to Live Well with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Marisa Mazza (2020)

Freedom from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Personalized Recovery Program for Living with Uncertainty by Jonathan Grayson (2003)

When a Family Member Has OCD: Mindfulness & Cognitive Behavioral Skills to Help Families Affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by Jon Hershfield (2015)

An OCD Exposure Coloring Book: Coloring Exposures for Sexual, Harming, Relationship, Religious, and Scrupulous Intrusive Thoughts by Amanda Petrik-Gardner (2019) [there is now a second volume]

Skin-Picking & Hair-Pulling Behaviors

The BFRB Recovery Workbook: Effective Recovery from Hair Pulling, Skin Picking, Nail Biting, and Other Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors by Marla Deibler & Renae Reinardy (2023)

Overcoming Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors: A Comprehensive Behavioral Treatment for Hair Pulling and Skin Picking by Charles Mansueto Sherrie Vavricheck & Ruth Golomb (2020)

MIndFulness & Self-Compassion

Meditation is Not What You Think: Mindfulness and why it is so Important by Jon Kabat-Zinn (2018)

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer (2018)

Body Image

Living with Your Body and Other Things You Hate: How to Let Go of Your Struggle with Body Image Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy by Emily Sandoz & Troy DuFrene (2014)

Chronic Pain

Living Beyond Your Pain: Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to Ease Chronic Pain by Joanne Dahl & Tobias Lundgren (2006)

Organizations And Tools

International OCD Foundation | IOCDF is a major academic and clinical association that produces research on OCD and helps connect clinicians and lay people. You can find therapists, support groups, and programs through through the ‘find help’ tool.

Association for Contextual Behavioral Science | ACBS is the home of contextual behavioral science, which has fostered the creation of therapy interventions such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. There are many resources, including a directory of ACT therapists.

The OCD Stories Website and Podcast | Run by Stuart Ralph, a person who has struggled with OC and is now a therapist, Stuart interviews experts, therapists, and fellow sufferers of OC-related problems to shine light on human stories and provide myriad resources. The podcast is available on most platforms.

The TLC Foundation for Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors | An organization that provides information and resources on living with body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs) like uncontrolled hair pulling and skin picking. TLC’s health education library contains videos, tools, and guidance from both professionals and folks living with BFRBs.


The links to resources above are meant to help connect people with helpful information for themselves or those they love. However, readings and other tools seen here are not intended to be a replacement for professional therapy and are not treatment suggestions or endorsements by Dr. Keiper. To schedule an appointment with a professional, feel free to use the therapist search tools above or request an initial meeting.